More oil drilling is going on in the Gulf of Mexico today than there was before the BP oil spill in 2010. This huge resurgence in domestic oil means a lot for American maritime employment. Not only do the oil rigs need more workers, but this means that more ships are going to be built in the US, which will also need more crewmembers. It looks like we’re about to see a huge boom in the maritime shipping business. That’s good news for you if you’re a maritime worker.
At the same time, with new employment opportunities and new ships being built in the US, as a maritime worker, you should probably go ahead and talk to a Jones Act attorney in Houston about what to do in case of an accident and how you’ll be covered.
The Jones Act protects American companies and maritime workers against international competition, and it has stipulations for recourse in the case of an accident while on the job, as well. That means that, if you get a job on a US-built and owned vessel, you could be covered in ways that you haven’t been before. No one wants an accident to happen, but it’s best to plan for the worst-case scenario.
You and your family should talk to a Jones Act attorney in Houston to understand what should be done in the case of your injury or death. You want to make sure that your family is taken care of, should the worst happen. A Jones Act attorney in Houston, like the ones at Kirkendall Dwyer LLP, can help you understand the coverage you have by law and what kind of actions you might have to take in the future, if something happens while you’re on the job.
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