The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) may be changing the way that the luxury cruise industry works for good. The NTSB will be holding a two-day conference to discuss and propose changes to regulations and legislation on cruise ship safety. This is good news for both passengers and crewmembers of these ships, as any League City maritime lawyer can tell you.
The past few years have been pretty bad for cruise liners’ reputations. Accidents have been piling up, with and without injuries and even fatalities. This industry is one that spans the world and is therefore a bit difficult to regulate. However, the NTSB is determined to bring more regulation into place to ensure passenger and crew safety onboard all cruise ships operating out of the United States.
The Jones Act of 1920 added special legislation to protect American seamen (both male and female) in case of an employer’s poor conduct or an accident. The NTSB may be in the process of passing regulations that will extend these protections to crews and passengers of cruise ships.
The law is not altogether fluid, but legislation and regulation do change. That’s why it’s important, if you’re involved in a maritime accident, to call a League City maritime lawyer for advice and counsel. Whether you’re a worker or a passenger, you should know your rights under the current laws, and that’s where a League City maritime lawyer can help you.
If you’ve been involved in a maritime accident, it’s important to determine who was at fault and what your course of action should be. You can’t always just listen to your employer or the insurance company covering the accident. Qualified attorneys, like those at Kirkendall Dwyer LLP, can help you navigate through this difficult time.
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