If you have been injured while working on a freighter, an oil rig, or a barge, you may be wondering if you need an offshore injury attorney. The simple answer is yes. If your injury was enough to cause you to incur medical expenses and/or lost wages that your employer or their insurance company should be liable for, then it is time for you to consult with a maritime lawyer. Choosing a lawyer can be a very difficult and time consuming process and here at Kirkendall Dwyer LLP, we offer a free case review so you can ask any questions and determine if we are the right fit for you.
Why Can’t I Use a Regular Attorney?
We hear this question a lot, especially from people who have a lawyer they have worked with in the past. The problem with using a traditional lawyer is this- accidents that happen offshore or on the open waters are subject to a different set of laws than those that happen on land. Because the governing laws are different, you need a qualified offshore injury attorney who understands the complex legalities that surround maritime accidents.
Why Kirkendall Dwyer LLP?
Why should you choose us? Because our experienced maritime lawyers know and understand your rights and are willing to help you fight to ensure that they are respected. We know what types of defenses to use and what types of damages you may be entitled to. You will find that we never charge an up-front fee for our services, and that money is only collected when you collect your settlement or award. If you are looking for a qualified offshore injury attorney to help you fight for your rights and for your compensation, choose Kirkendall Dwyer LLP. Contact us for a free case review today!
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