Fire Aboard a Ship Calls for a Houston Jones Act Lawyer
There are countless ways a normal day at the office can turn bad for a maritime worker. Between the equipment, the vessel itself, and the rest of the crew, variables pile up, and accidents become all but inevitable. Although legislation like the Jones Act is meant to keep workers safe and compensate them in the event of an accident, it won’t do much for an employee who doesn’t have a Houston Jones Act lawyer they can rely on.
For crewmembers of the Golden Miller, December 17th started out like any other. The ship was docked in Aratu Brazil, while its crew was loading it with cargo. But, at around 5:40 in the afternoon, that all changed. A fire broke out and quickly spread out of control, thanks to the propane cargo that was on deck.
Fortunately, there were no casualties, although two workers were injured. However, the fire continued to rage, despite fire teams and three tugboats equipped with water cannons doing their best. It wouldn’t be put out until the next night.
With an investigation still underway, we don’t yet know how fire and propane met aboard the Golden Miller. However, every crewman aboard, especially those who were injured, would do well to contact maritime attorneys.
In America, a Houston Jones Act lawyer would look at an incident like this to see if the fire was due in part to a crewmember’s negligence. If so, the rest of them could have a case. The fire could have also been due to faulty equipment or a problem with the vessel. Here, too, a Houston Jones Act lawyer would be able to seek compensation for their client.
Even the simplest of tasks aboard a ship carries an undercurrent of risk. This is why it’s so important to have representation like Kirkendall Dwyer LLP available if you’re a maritime worker.
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