Events like the Audacious Sinking Show Why a Texas Maritime Attorney is So Important
It was over a year ago that six crew members of the fishing vessel Audacious had to be airlifted from the freezing waters of the North Sea. Their location was 40 miles off the coast of Aberdeen.
The cause of the accident was determined by the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) to be flooding in the engine room, which eventually overwhelmed the pump. Their best guess was that the culprit was the cooling system which likely didn’t engage properly.
Unfortunately, human error may have played a role, as well. When the issue became an emergency, the alarm meant to sound in the wheelhouse went off just as it should have, but the wheelhouse was left unmanned for an unspecified period of time.
Now, 16 months later, MAIB has made recommendations for other vessels in order to avoid a similar situation.
That MAIB recommends the wheelhouse be continuously manned on ships going forward should come as no surprise. However, they also advised that the owners of the Audacious make certain that training and necessary inspections are current. Finally, they recommended the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) also review its own inspection procedures.
Everyone aboard the Audacious is lucky to be alive, but this is a good example of why a Texas maritime attorney is so essential for maritime workers in the area. What started out as a freak accident was exacerbated by a potential error by one of the six workers aboard. By consulting with a Texas maritime attorney like the ones from Kirkendall Dwyer LLP, workers in a similar situation would know whether or not they had a right to compensation.
The Jones Act allows for maritime workers to hold their employer responsible if a coworker’s negligence results in their injury. Having a Texas maritime attorney at your call can be essential to your future wellbeing in a situation like this.
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