Employer and Third Party Fault

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What is Required of Your Employer

Your employer has the obligation to pay you maintenance, and any amount of money you have had to work for on your own will not be deducted from the amount of maintenance you are due. Therefore, even if you have gained employment in order to pay your bills, your employer still must meet his obligation to provide maintenance. Many courts will allow a seaman to provide evidence of his real living expenses when considering how much maintenance should be paid. An attorney can ensure that you recover the full amount owing to you.

In some instances, an employer might resist paying your maintenance and cure, and in that time your medical condition might worsen. If this is the case, you might be able to recover compensatory damages for your pain and suffering. If your employer’s behavior rises to the level of willful, persistent, or callous, you will likely also be able to cover the cost of your attorney’s fees.

You have a broad range of rights, but only an experienced attorney that will take every aspect of your case into account can get you the compensation to which you are entitled. Contact Kirkendall Dwyer LLP today to get on the road to recovery.

Third Party Fault

Even if your injuries or illness is the result of a third party’s actions, your employer must pay you maintenance and cure. It is your employer’s responsibility to seek indemnification from the third party.

Injured, out of work, and unsure of how to proceed? You do not have to suffer this difficult time alone. Let us be your team, and let us fight for the compensation you deserve. Fill out of a form to be contacted by an attorney from Kirkendall Dwyer LLP today.

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