A Baytown oil rig injury attorney can help you negotiate a settlement

Have you been injured while working on an offshore oil rig, only to find that the insurance company wants to offer you a settlement?  Before you agree to anything or sign any paperwork that may give away your rights to take the matter to court or to receive added compensation, contact a Baytown oil rig injury attorney at Kirkendall Dwyer LLP. An experienced maritime attorney will be familiar with the Jones Act and will know all of your rights as well as to what damages you may be entitled.

The thing with insurance companies is this- they want to pay as little as possible. It’s simple math. The less they pay you, the more money they make. This means that even though the numbers in that initial offer might sound good, they are probably far less than you are entitled to. Without a Baytown oil rig injury attorney on your side, the insurance company is likely to see you as underrepresented and unable to fight for your full entitlement. With Jones Act claims, this can include past and future pain, suffering, lost wages, mental anguish, disfigurement, fringe benefits, and more.

By choosing to work with an experienced Baytown oil rig injury attorney, you gain the support of someone who understands maritime law and the Jones Act who is willing to fight on your side. Negotiating with an insurance company can be notoriously difficult, especially when dealing with an area of law that has so many nuances. Don’t try to go it alone, not when we can help. We don’t charge our clients up front, so you don’t have to worry about trying to come up with legal fees. We don’t collect money until you do. Contact the team at Kirkendall Dwyer LLP today for a free case review.

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Your Houston Maritime Attorney is the key to success

If you pick up a law book and begin reading the many pages it is not likely that you will get very far. “Legalese” as so many people call it, is tough to understand without proper training and expertise. This is why anyone interested in pursuing a claim under maritime law must hire a Houston maritime attorney. There is no working around this necessity if you want to get the best outcome.

Fortunately, Kirkendall Dwyer LLP can provide you with a Houston maritime attorney and a dependable legal team that can ensure your case gets the attention it deserves. The reason that a team of legal experts is required is simple – any case takes a lot of work.

While it might seem a simple matter to you – i.e. you were working onboard a commercial vessel, an accident occurred, and you were injured – there is more to a legal case. There has to be negligence involved and there has to be documented evidence. These are things that a Houston maritime attorney can help you to prove and this is the key to a legal success.

Your Kirkendall Dwyer LLP legal team will work with you to help you claim what you are entitled to  under maritime law. For example, if you are due past or future wages, payments for rehabilitation, compensation for physical disfigurement, lost benefits, and more – the team is going to help you get these things. The laws also apply to your survivors if you are killed in an accident, and so the team can help your family make a case too.

Of course, the primary issue is getting things started, and so it is up to you to contact your legal counsel as soon as possible following an incident.

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Working with a Freeport oil rig injury attorney is a must

Injuries while on board a commercial vessel are never as simple as you might think. When something is the result of negligence (on part of a crew member or the vessel owners) it is covered by very specific laws. Unfortunately, as is the case with so many other kinds of law, it requires a knowledgeable expert such as a Freeport oil rig injury attorney to review your case and let you know if you should proceed with any claims.

Is it all that complicated? The simplest answer is “yes”, and that is because there is a need to prove that negligence was what led to injury or even to death. The laws allow individual workers or their families to pursue compensation, but just because a horrible thing has occurred it doesn’t automatically mean that negligence is to blame. This is why a Freeport oil rig injury attorney must be consulted, and hired to take the claim through the court system.

Additionally, the injuries don’t have to be so overwhelming or grievous, and it can take a skilled Freeport oil rig injury attorney to help with issues such as the payment of claims for rehabilitation, retirement income, and more.

Fortunately, Kirkendall Dwyer LLP is a trusted resource for those in need of legal counsel and support after an oil rig injury. The firm has plenty of experience with maritime cases, and can consult with a worker, or their family, after an incident of any size or seriousness. There are no limits where the type of work is concerned either, and whether someone is a galley worker, an electrician, or an equipment operator, a Kirkendall Dwyer LLP attorney can help them to determine if they have a valid claim and can pursue legal action after an injury.

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Understand what an Offshore Injury Attorney can provide

You might assume that because you work on a seagoing vessel or a dangerous offshore rig that injury is just part of the job. That is not the case, and there are many laws in place to reduce the amount of risk you face, and even to ensure that you can seek compensation if negligence has caused you harm – or even led to your death.

However, as with most laws, the language can be confusing and complex. This is why an offshore injury attorney is an absolute essential if you have been injured while working on a seagoing vessel or offshore rig. This is someone who understands the laws and who can review all of the facts associated with your case. They can then let you know if you do have a legal claim for compensation (or if your family can make a claim should you be killed), and then your offshore injury attorney can represent you throughout the proceedings that follow.

Of course, even an experienced offshore injury attorney may face challenges in getting you what you are due. This is because it is up to you to prove that it was indeed negligence that led to the injuries or to the incident. This is something that takes time, patience, and hard work. Fortunately, Kirkendall Dwyer LLP is a legal team that can provide this kind of dedication and experience in maritime law cases.

You can meet with an attorney from Kirkendall Dwyer LLP and discuss the case. They can help you understand your legal options, and if you decide to move forward with the claim they can represent you the whole way. Their team of legal professionals will strive for the best outcome possible.

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The time to seek a Maritime Injury Attorney is right now

According to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), there were dozens upon dozens of maritime incidents and accidents in 2013. This is proof that a lot of people have likely suffered injuries while working on commercial vessels and for each of them a maritime injury attorney is a major resource.

Unfortunately, a lot of the people who could be entitled to monetary compensation under maritime laws remain unaware of the fact or are simply unsure of how to pursue a rightful claim. That is why a maritime injury attorney from Kirkendall Dwyer LLP could prove an effective solution to this common problem.

Before you say that you don’t think you qualify, ask yourself this: Is my injury something that happened on a vessel in open sea? This is the foundational issue for any offshore accident claims and it won’t matter if it happened on a commercial fishing boat, a cruise ship, a cargo vessel, or a ferry…if you were injured at work on a commercial vessel at sea you need a maritime injury attorney.

Only a professional with the knowledge necessary for pursuing your case can ensure the best outcome possible. If you are hoping to get past or future wages lost due to the incident, you have to get rehabilitation to overcome the injury, you have been disfigured by this accident, or you have concerns about what you are legally entitled to, Kirkendall Dwyer LLP will have the answers. This is true even if you feel that you have suffered the “unseen” symptoms such as psychological suffering or mental anguish – if the maritime accident was the cause, you have a claim!

Don’t waste another minute wondering if you have a right to compensation. Contact Kirkendall Dwyer LLP today to discuss your maritime injury case.

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The best time to contact a Freeport oil rig injury attorney is today

A headline in mid-December of 2013 indicated that vessels as massive as two warships can get dangerously close and barely avoid collisions. While the details of this news story remain a bit vague, and whether the “near miss” was intentional or not, it is important to take one thing from this story – accidents at sea do indeed happen.

Often, the scale of a maritime or offshore incident is substantial and many injuries occur or many lives are lost. This holds true for vessels afloat as well as offshore rigs. If you are someone injured in an accident while on an oil rig, or while being transported to one, you should contact a Freeport oil rig injury attorney as fast as possible.

Assuming that accidents rarely happen is an inaccurate view – as we just pointed out, and assuming that your employer will “take care of you” after an incident is just as inaccurate. Though there are laws in place to protect maritime workers, there is no guarantee that comprehensive coverage will be provided. This is why it is wise to find a Freeport oil rig injury attorney as soon as possible after any sort of incident.

Kirkendall Dwyer LLP can provide just the sort of experience needed in a Freeport oil rig injury attorney. They have expertise in maritime laws and cases in which these laws are cited to win compensation for injured workers, or even for their families. If you find yourself wondering how to get lost wages, rehabilitation, or how to deal with the overwhelming financial and psychological issues when a loved one is killed in an offshore incident, give Kirkendall Dwyer LLP a call. They will consult with you on your case and help to move forward with valid claims.

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