Do you keep your auto insurance information handy? Yes, you probably know just where to go to get the number you must call in the event of an incident. How about a renter’s or homeowner’s policy? The answer is likely the same. So, if you work on an offshore rig or a seagoing vessel, do you have the contact details for a Texas City oil rig injury attorney on hand?
If not, it is of the utmost importance that you remedy this issue right away. Why? There are a lot of reasons for this, but one of the most important is that you don’t want to make any costly mistakes after any sort of accident. For example, let’s say that there is a major incident on a rig and you are seriously injured. You will be in the hands of medical professionals for a while, and during that time your family or dependents may be pressured to “settle” with your company.
The result? You may not get the compensation that is legally due to you under the maritime laws. However, if you had the name of a reputable Texas City oil rig injury attorney on hand, you could instruct your family to contact them in the event of an accident. This would prevent you from experiencing a lot of the difficulties that others in your industry have experienced in the past.
Even if your firm does not seek settlement, they may not admit their guilt in the accident and this would reduce their liability. However, if they were negligent, the maritime laws mandate that they are supposed to compensate you or your family. Again, a Texas City oil rig injury attorney on the case as soon as possible is going to ensure the best outcome.
Kirkendall Dwyer LLP is one such firm, and they can review your case at any point in time and help you pursue your rightful recompense. Contact Kirkendall Dwyer LLP to get started.