If you live in Texas, and you or someone – or someone you love — work on an offshore oil rig, you already know what a high-risk job crewmembers on rigs have. You may not know, though, that a Freeport oil rig injury attorney may be able to help you in the event of an accident.
Accidents on oil rigs are often not the fault of the workers involved. This means that those workers are often owed worker’s compensation for their lost wages, medical bills, and pain and suffering. Your employer and their insurance company will most likely work to pay out as little as possible. They may not actively want to short you on what you’re owed, but they’ll often think of their bottom line before they think of your suffering and needs.
The most common causes of oil rig accidents include lack of safety procedure implementations, poor or inadequate training, lack of supervision, lack of maintenance to heavy equipment, and operator errors. A lot of these are not the faults of those doing the work, and a Freeport oil rig attorney can help you determine if you’re owed compensation for an accident that wasn’t your fault.
If you were not trained properly for the job you were doing, or if one of your coworkers lacked the proper experience to assist you, then the accident could be the fault of your employer for failing to properly train all of their workers. If equipment fails due to lack of maintenance, then the responsibility definitely lands on the heads of your employers.
A Freeport oil rig injury attorney, like those employed with Kirkendall Dwyer LLP, can consult with you about your rights in an accident. Even if an accident hasn’t happened, it’s a good idea to keep the right attorney’s phone number on hand, just in case.
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