Are you a maritime worker who was injured due to the negligence or recklessness of your employer or a co-worker? If so, the Jones Act law likely applies to you. This means that you need to solicit the services of a qualified Jones Act attorney in Houston. Here at Kirkendall Dwyer LLP, we want to be the choice that you make. We know the Jones Act inside and out, and we will provide you with a free case review that will help us better understand your injury and circumstances while giving you the chance to get your questions answered.
If you are looking for a Jones Act attorney in Houston, it can help to know what types of things to look for. One thing you should definitely seek in any law firm is a guarantee that you won’t have to pay until an award is given or a settlement is reached. Your medical bills and other expenses are high enough without adding in attorney’s fees. Second, you want experience. You want a team that knows what types of damages you should be entitled to and what types of defenses to use in court. You want someone very well-versed in the Jones Act.
When you contact a Jones Act attorney in Houston from Kirkendall Dwyer LLP, you get everything listed above and more. If you have been injured or a loved one has even been killed due to the negligence of another while serving as a maritime worker, give us a call for a free case review. We will work to let you know what your options are and to answer any questions that you may have about your case or about our law firm. We know that you want peace of mind and for your case to be over, and we will work hard to ensure that it is resolved in your favor.
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