Every day, people are injured on oil rigs in the Gulf Coast region. With more than 3,700 oil rig platforms in the Gulf and with such dangerous work being performed, it is easy to understand how so many injuries occur. Many of those who are injured will suffer from debilitating or even life threatening injuries. If you or someone you love has experienced a back injury, traumatic brain injury, loss of limb, burns, chemical exposure, or another injury while working on an oil rig, contact a Galveston oil rig injury attorney at Kirkendall Dwyer LLP today for a free case review.
When we review your case, we will be able to tell you what types of damages you may be entitled to under the Jones Act, which governs oil rigs and their crews. We will work to help you understand what your rights and responsibilities are and will work to get the details of your case so that we can provide you with specific information. We will also answer any questions that you may have about your rights, your case, our practice, or your Galveston oil rig injury attorney.
While it would take pages upon pages to explain the many nuances of the Jones Act in legal speak, it essentially provides rights to offshore workers beyond the rights extended by worker’s compensation. It ensures that there is an adequate crew to do the job and that safe and adequate equipment is provided. In the event of injury, an employer may be held liable for negligence if there is a safety statute violation and the Jones Act states that the employer owes the seaman adequate medical care from a competent physician. There are many more nuances to the Jones Act and many more rights afforded to seamen. If you believe that you have a claim, contact a Galveston oil rig injury attorney from Kirkendall Dwyer LLP today!
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