Have a Texas City oil rig injury attorney on file

Do you keep your auto insurance information handy? Yes, you probably know just where to go to get the number you must call in the event of an incident. How about a renter’s or homeowner’s policy? The answer is likely the same. So, if you work on an offshore rig or a seagoing vessel, do you have the contact details for a Texas City oil rig injury attorney on hand?

If not, it is of the utmost importance that you remedy this issue right away. Why? There are a lot of reasons for this, but one of the most important is that you don’t want to make any costly mistakes after any sort of accident. For example, let’s say that there is a major incident on a rig and you are seriously injured. You will be in the hands of medical professionals for a while, and during that time your family or dependents may be pressured to “settle” with your company.

The result? You may not get the compensation that is legally due to you under the maritime laws. However, if you had the name of a reputable Texas City oil rig injury attorney on hand, you could instruct your family to contact them in the event of an accident. This would prevent you from experiencing a lot of the difficulties that others in your industry have experienced in the past.

Even if your firm does not seek settlement, they may not admit their guilt in the accident and this would reduce their liability. However, if they were negligent, the maritime laws mandate that they are supposed to compensate you or your family. Again, a Texas City oil rig injury attorney on the case as soon as possible is going to ensure the best outcome.

Kirkendall Dwyer LLP is one such firm, and they can review your case at any point in time and help you pursue your rightful recompense. Contact Kirkendall Dwyer LLP to get started.

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Finding a Jones Act attorney in Houston is an important step

What do cruise ship workers, ferry boat pilots, and oil rig workers all have in common? They are all protected by maritime laws formally known as the Jones Act. Created in the 1920s, these laws ensure that people who work on seagoing vessels are not put under any additional risks. Yes, their jobs do involve some built-in threats such as the unpredictability of the weather and waters, and possible injuries due to the nature of the work, but that should be where it ends. However, annual reports still show that thousands of people are injured every year, and many unnecessarily.

If you are one such unlucky person (or you are the surviving family of someone killed in an accident), you should contact a Jones Act attorney in Houston right away. They can review the facts of the case and let you know if you can make legal demands from the employer.

Why should there be a question in the matter? Well, it boils down to the term “negligence”. A Jones Act attorney in Houston can help you to understand if you can pursue a claim because of evidence of negligence in the case. If this is apparent, the Jones Act attorney in Houston can work with you to file a claim and pursue a wide range of recompense.

Kirkendall Dwyer LLP offers people a legal team with experience and expertise in such matters. They can consult with you, review the details of your claim, and represent you throughout any subsequent legal action. It doesn’t matter if you want simple compensation for lost wages or lost benefits, or you seek a long list of reparations due to negligence and an accident, your Kirkendall Dwyer LLP attorney can help you understand your options and make valid claims when due

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Don’t wait to contact a Galveston Oil Rig Injury Attorney

Do you understand how the general worker’s compensation laws operate? Many people make assumptions about them and then find themselves facing medical expenses, months of lost wages, and a long list of other troubles. This same unhappy result occurs when a maritime or offshore worker hesitates to contact a Galveston oil rig injury attorney following an accident.

A Galveston oil rig injury attorney is an absolute essential when an accident has occurred, but you must get in touch with them as soon as possible. This is to ensure that all of the facts of the case are considered and claims are made as quickly as the laws allow. While you may convince yourself that it is something you can handle, the reality is that you will be unable to do this. Even if your injury is seemingly minor, you will not have the time, experience, and skill to navigate such a complex legal matter.

This is why you should get in touch with Kirkendall Dwyer LLP the moment you realize you require the help of an experienced Galveston oil rig injury attorney. Their team includes attorneys and support staff familiar with all of the issues associated with maritime law. They can review the facts of your case and advise you on how to proceed.

Whatever the best outcome, the experts at Kirkendall Dwyer LLP will help you to pursue it. However, the first step is to get in touch with them. A preliminary consultation with the injured party or their family is essential to determining how to pursue the matter. Whether seeking lost wages or comprehensive compensation after a serious incident, their experts will ensure the best results possible.

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Maritime Injury Lawyer Kirkendall Dwyer LLP

US and Chinese Navy Show Value of Maritime Injury Lawyer

While privately owned vessels running into each other is, sadly, nothing new, a story out of China shows that even superpower navies run the risk of collision at sea.

On December 5th, a Chinese navy vessel is said to have cut across the bow of a US Navy cruiser in the South China Sea. Despite its name, the South China Sea is actually international waters, meaning neither country has a claim to operating there.

Though the US has been the primary naval superpower in the Pacific since World War II, China has made no secret of looking to expand their reach. This alone would be enough to heighten tension, but it’s reported that the American cruiser was specifically in the area to observe China’s newest aircraft carrier. This came on the heels of President Obama’s harsh words regarding China’s insistence on laying a claim to airspace over the East China Sea that Japan believes is rightfully theirs. Both Japan and the US have openly defied China’s claims.

While it’s fortunate that no major collision occurred, the incident highlights how aggressive operating in open waters can be, even when carried out by two superpower governments. Had an accident happened between two privately owned ships, anyone injured would be smart to secure a good maritime injury lawyer as soon as possible.

Without the right maritime injury lawyer, an injured party is often at the mercy of their employer to tell them what they’re entitled to. No matter how generous or straightforward a company is being, consulting a lawyer is still a wise move to make sure nothing is being left on the table.

Operating out of Dallas and Houston, Kirkendall Dwyer LLP can provide the maritime injury lawyer you need in the wake of an accident. While the present situation may be bad, the future can be much bleaker without the right representation at your side.

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Texas Maritime Attorney–Secure Your Rights

Secure Your Rights as an Injured Maritime Worker with a Texas Maritime Attorney

If you’re a maritime worker, it’s important to understand your rights. This is especially true, however, in light of an injury on the job. Understanding them beforehand can make all the difference in the world

One of the first things to understand is that you have the right to an attorney. While your employer may have a company lawyer who can work with you, it’s best to consult your own Texas maritime attorney who you can trust is only looking out for your best interest.

Understand that, until you secure your Texas maritime attorney, you don’t have to speak with anyone—this includes your employer. Unfortunately, your company may wish to speak with you in an attempt to convince you not to file a lawsuit. They may also wish to speak with you as a means of finding out what you know or what exactly happened. It would not be the first time a company actively worked to discredit an employee’s claims or otherwise work to paint a different picture of what caused the injury. Getting your side of the story could be their first step.

So long as the injury wasn’t a result of your own actions, you will also be entitled to having your medical bills covered. This is why it’s also important to pick your own doctor, not necessarily the one your company chooses for you. As sad as it might seem, even a medical professional can take sides.

Depending on the nature of the accident, you could be entitled to lost wages, pain and suffering, and other forms of compensation. However, you could easily end up with hardly anything if you don’t handle the situation correctly. It begins with hiring a Texas maritime attorney from a firm like Kirkendall Dwyer LLP. They’ll be able to help you understand your situation and what to do to get the most out of it.

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Houston Maritime Attorney

Speak to a Houston Maritime Attorney if Your Work Environment is Not Drug Free

Every employee has the right to a workplace that isn’t plagued or impaired by drug use. This is especially true for maritime employees. Any mistake aboard a ship or offshore operation can have a dangerous ripple effect that leaves everyone at risk. Kirkendall Dwyer LLP can provide you with a Houston maritime attorney who will represent you if someone’s drug use has left you injured or unable to work.

Even if the drug use that caused the accident was from a coworker, there is often a case to be made against your employer, who may very well owe you money. For example, the drug use may have been a result of your employer’s failure to properly supervise their employees. It could also have come about because your employer did not enforce appropriate drug and alcohol testing aimed to keep you safe.

All employers are required by law to test potential workers for drugs before hiring. Furthermore, this testing is required to be ongoing for any crewmember, whether he or she is fulltime, part-time, seasonal, or contracted. Those who serve in a safety-related capacity must also be randomly tested. If your injury resulted as a failure to do so, the right Houston maritime attorney could be to your benefit.

Aside from just testing their workers, employers must also report any positive findings to the coast guard. So simply handling a positive result in-house, no matter how severe the punishment, isn’t enough on your employer’s part.

If an accident that wasn’t your fault has affected your ability to work, contact Kirkendall Dwyer LLP. They can provide you with the Houston maritime attorney you need to make sure your rights are being looked after. Another person’s poor judgment has left you impaired. Make the right decision now so you can mitigate the damage it can do to you going forward.

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