Chances are if you’re working in the maritime industry, you will need a Jones Act Lawyer in Houston if you ever suffer an injury. The law firm of Kirkendall Dwyer LLP can offer their services in such an event. However, it’s a good idea to take their information down now so you have it ready in case of an emergency.
The Jones Act is legislation that was passed back in 1920. While it handles certain areas regarding who can ship goods to and from American ports, it also covers matters regarding maritime workers’ compensation.
Simply because you’re a maritime worker doesn’t mean you receive the benefits of the Jones Act, though. It only applies to seamen who are working on or aboard ships that are currently active. While this doesn’t mean the ship has to actually be moving at the time of the accident, the ship’s status needs to be considered active. After filing a claim under the Jones Act, the court will confirm your ship meets this criterion.
In order to receive compensation under the Jones Act, your Jones Act Lawyer in Houston will need to prove that your injury was the result of someone else’s negligence. Guilty parties could include the ship’s owner, its master, members of the crew or your employer. Unsafe conditions could also be the culprit.
A Jones Act Lawyer in Houston can help you make these determinations before you go spending time and money on a case.
If you do have a case, a qualified Jones Act attorney can also help you get the compensation you’re due. You could be compensated for lost wages, future wages, pain and suffering, medical expenses, and more.
Hopefully this article helps illustrate how important it is to have a Jones Act lawyer at your side in order to benefit from said act. If you’re not sure whether or not the Jones Act covers you in a certain situation, call Kirkendall Dwyer LLP today.
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