Have you been injured in the line of duty while working on an oil rig? Has someone else’s recklessness or negligence caused you to be hurt? Perhaps there was inadequate training or equipment or there were an inadequate number of crew members for the task at hand. Whatever the case, if you have been injured on an oil rig and it was the fault of someone else, you are protected under a part of maritime law known as the Jones Act. A Texas City oil rig injury attorney can help you better understand.
The Jones Act is an important part of maritime law that protects seamen against injuries and wrongful death. Jones Act claims are very valuable, because they provide rights beyond worker’s compensation, including past and future pain and suffering as well as past and future lost wages (including career advancement). Other damages afforded by the Jones Act include mental suffering and anguish, occupational and vocational retraining, disfigurement, and fringe benefits. With a qualified Texas City oil rig injury attorney, you can help combat any defenses used by your employer to avoid paying on your Jones Act claim.
If you have been injured or if a loved one has lost their life due to an oil rig injury, contact a Texas City oil rig injury attorney with Kirkendall Dwyer LLP today. We provide free case reviews before we agree to take on your case so that we can learn how we can help you and so we can answer any questions you might have. You will also find that we do not collect our fees in advance. Instead, we don’t get paid until you do. We collect our fees when you receive an award or settlement. If you have been injured on an oil rig, contact us right away and let us fight for you!
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