Early November marked the tragic death of a Filipino offshore worker in the Gulf of Mexico, the fourth such death this year. With that many fatal accidents in so short a time, the embassy is understandably concerned about safety issues on offshore oil platforms in the area.
The embassy has called on the U.S. to examine policies and on the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement to conduct an investigation into whether all safety measures are being properly implemented by all companies. While the embassy is representing Filipino workers in particular, they are urging that safer conditions be put into effect for all workers.
Three other Filipino workers died almost a year ago in an explosion on a different Gulf oil platform that also injured eleven other workers. Investigations in that case showed that it was the company’s fault and that the conditions on the platform were unsafe, so it is very reasonable for the embassy to be concerned in this case as well. Employers of offshore workers need to be held responsible for creating conditions that are as safe as possible. While some risks are simply part of offshore work, there are many policies and procedures that can be used to keep workers safe.
If you or someone you love has suffered injuries in offshore work and you believe it is due to company negligence, you should immediately hire an offshore injury lawyer. Kirkendall Dwyer LLP offshore injury lawyers are standing by to take your case. Don’t hesitate to hold companies responsible for services they should be providing. By calling such practices to the attention of the law, you don’t only help yourself or your injured loved one, but also other offshore workers who will subsequently get improved safety conditions.
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