Don’t hesitate to contact a Baytown Oil Rig Injury Attorney

If there is any offshore or maritime work that is more risky than oil rig work, it would be hard to find. There are so many things that can go wrong on such a complex vessel as a large rig. If you have been injured in an incident, you can legally pursue compensation. However, you’ll need an experienced Baytown oil rig injury attorney to help you make your claims.

There are never any guarantees that someone injured in a maritime accident will get recompense because a lot has to be proven to the court before any awards are made. For example, an effective Baytown oil rig injury attorney will be able to help a client demonstrate when negligence played a part in the incident – and this is crucial to getting any sort of financial reparations.

Clearly, if you are someone who has lost wages, been injured or disfigured, faced emotional or psychological damages, or even if you are the surviving family of someone killed in an oil rig incident, you need to get in touch with a Baytown oil rig injury attorney. Fortunately, you have Kirkendall Dwyer LLP to turn to.

This firm has the expertise needed to begin exploring your options. The professionals at Kirkendall Dwyer LLP will be able to review your case with you and to help you decide whether or not to move forward with any demands or claims for recompense. Though it is not a fast or guaranteed matter, working with experts is the best route to follow. There are laws in place to protect people working in offshore and maritime jobs, and a qualified attorney can help you to understand them and pursue valid claims.

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Do not wait to contact a Maritime Injury Attorney

We all know the phrase: “time is of the essence”. It is something that applies to lots of things, but it is particularly true if you are someone injured in a maritime accident. This is because you may have a legal case to pursue, but only if you are in possession of all of the “facts” relating to the incident.

Fortunately, you can hire a maritime injury attorney to review the facts and even gather further data to create the most accurate portrait of the incident. Your maritime injury attorney can also help you to determine if you have a valid claim under established maritime law. Of course, the primary determinant in a claim is whether there was negligence at work in the incident. If so, then your maritime injury attorney will advise you of your options.

Consider that even your family will benefit from consulting with such an attorney if you are killed or grievously injured in such an accident. However, you need to know just where to go and who to consult. Fortunately, there is Kirkendall Dwyer LLP. This firm has expertise in maritime law cases and offers a team of experts who will advise and guide you in the right direction.

The team at Kirkendall Dwyer LLP will meet with you or your family and review just what happened. If they recognize a viable case, they can then work with you and your family to pursue any and all compensation or recompense required by the laws. Whether you need to claim lost wages or you need a much broader range of reparations that might include medical care, benefits, and more, they can help you understand what is possible. The first step is to get in touch with them as soon as possible after an accident.

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Consult a Galveston oil rig injury attorney today

Maritime law…do you know what that means? It is a term that describes formal laws put in place to protect those who operate and crew boats and offshore rigs. The reasons for such laws are very simple: the work is dangerous for everyone involved and it is important that workers are protected should injury or accident occur.

However, as with most laws and regulations, they are complicated and can be difficult to understand without legal knowledge. This is why it is of the utmost importance to meet with a Galveston oil rig injury attorney if you have been injured in an offshore accident.

How can a Galveston oil rig injury attorney help you? Your attorney will review the facts of the case and help you to determine if you can pursue compensation of any kind. This applies to an injured worker, but also to families of affected workers. The laws allow for the survivors of those killed or grievously injured in an incident to pursue reparation of different kinds as well.

The first step is to consult with a Galveston oil rig injury attorney for an initial discussion. An experienced team can then instruct and guide you throughout the proceedings. Fortunately, you have immediate access to Kirkendall Dwyer LLP. This firm has expertise in maritime law and related cases and will be able to work with you to obtain the best outcome possible.

It will not matter if you are seeking lost wages from the past and for the future, financial support during rehabilitation, or recompense for mental or psychological anguish – all of these things apply to maritime law. Kirkendall Dwyer LLP can help you to make claims for what you are due, but you must contact them as soon as possible to get a case started.

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Recovering Compensation When Injured on an Oil Rig

Men and women that work as gas or oil workers and have been injured on a floating rig and jack-up rig are typically covered by maritime injury law, specifically the Jones Act. This also includes being injured when being transported by helicopter or boat to the rig. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that 823 gas and oil extraction workers between 2003 in 2010 were killed on the job.[i]

Maritime lawyers handle a variety of cases for individuals seeking to recover compensation for disability, suffering, pain, and lost wages. This is often a result of negligence by the employer that was either a direct cause of any injury or something that contributed to it.

Offshore structures and drilling rigs create an exceedingly hostile work environment. The conditions that the gas and oil workers are expected to deal with place them in serious danger. In addition, the escalated levels of production activity along with individuals working together in a closed environment maximize both profits for the company and an increased likelihood of becoming seriously injured for the help.

The most common types of dangers on a drilling rig include:

  • Accidents involving slips and falls
  • Blocker cable breaks
  • Falling objects
  • Faulty grating
  • Negligence when operating equipment
  • Cathead slips

Based on the specifics of each offshore oil rig accident, the injured party is likely able to collect compensation through a competent maritime injury attorney in a court case involving personal injury law. In addition, those that have been injured when performing work on a fixed platform will likely be covered by other federal law including the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act.

Maritime injury law is complex, challenging to understand, and extremely complicated. Any individual that is suffered when working on a fixed rig or floating rig should seek out a competent attorney to handle their case.

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Maritime Injury Attorney

On shore and off shore, occupational accidentals can happen no matter the location or the planning and expertise of the crews involved.  Maritime accidents require special legal attention because they often occur in waters floating on the boundaries between the accident victim’s home country and international jurisdiction.  In the majority of accident causes, it is the job of the hired maritime accident attorney to “reel in” the scope of an individual accident case and process it through the district jurisdiction which is most likely involved.  Most districts will try to dismiss sea-borne lawsuits and injury claims, but a maritime accident attorney will fight for any fisherman, oil rigger, contractor and seaman who earns his living on the water.

In every maritime lawyer’s mind is the case of the 1988 accident on the Norwegian oil rig known as Piper Alpha.  All systems and personnel protocols were in standard working order until the unforeseen happened.  Many lives were lost and international maritime safety standards for workers, contractors and international trades people came under immediate review.  Families were shortchanged because of the litigation surrounding this tragedy, but this type of maritime justice never has to happen again.

The conference organized in Norwegian waters at the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Center will be a spectacular multi-industry representative focus on the safety steps which can be taken on off shore oil rigs, fishing boats and commodities transports.  This UK-based conference is bound to address some of the most important issues facing nations with high seas trade and shipping interests.  The Piper Alpha accident will be of particular note and focus for all envoys attending the conference.  New safety and personnel protocols will be introduced and proposed which will certainly highlight some of the most pressing and under addressed issues in international maritime law.

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Natural Gas Blowout

Injuries at sea are not uncommon, and there are many different ways in which these injuries can take place. Maritime law covers different scenarios and situations, all of which are important to highlight and understand what context it plays if such an event unfolds. While most maritime injuries involve boats and moving vessels, there are other issues that can arise on solid platforms and constructions, such as golf rigs. Such an event did just take place on the Gulf of Mexico when a natural gas blowout caused a serious fire and caused serious damage to the facility

Recent Natural Gas Blowout

The natural gas blowout occurred about 55 miles off of the shore of Louisiana and, although generally a manned location, nobody was actually on the big when the gas blowout occurred. What exactly caused the explosion is still not yet known, although local authorities were contacted and sent out in order to try and reduce the size of the blaze and get it under control, although due to the nature of the fire, with gas sitting on top of the water to burn, it did prove more challenging than a traditional fire on land.

Nobody Injured at Sea Currently

Nobody was injured during the explosion, although there are some risk of contaminated water and other issues arising inside around the show as the water with burned gasoline stats to make its way to shore. This situation is capable of harming hundreds, if not thousands of individuals who live along the cost, and if such an injury occurs, it is important to utilize a team of lawyers that has experience dealing with this kind of a situation or legal matter. While some lawyers are going to suggest they are able to handle any kind of injury, it is always best to go with someone who specializes in the kind of law. Maritime law covers any and all kinds of issues that took place at sea, and while someone might have become sick by being exposed to the contaminated water on the land, the situation took place on the water in the Gulf of Mexico and is classified as a maritime issue and constitutes injured at sea.

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