Whether you’re a passenger or a crewmember, it’s important for you to understand your rights in the event of an accident. If your employer or the owner of the company taking you offshore decides to break safety regulations and put you at risk, then you’re due some compensation. Safety procedures are in place for a reason, and if you are injured or killed through no fault of your own, you’ll want to talk with an offshore injury attorney to get the compensation that you deserve.
Back in 2003, a tragic accident occurred off the coast of Oregon. A passenger fishing vessel capsized, and 11 people – 10 passengers and the master – were killed. The National Travel Safety Board (NTSB) found three major safety issues to be the cause of the accident.
At the time of the accident, there was a small vessel warning out for the area. The master decided to take the trip anyway, ignoring the warning. The major cause of the accident – though it was threefold – was the master’s decision to cross the bay, despite the conditions.
Now, you may wonder, as the master was one of the victims of the accident, who could the families of the other victims go to for compensation? This is when the expertise of an offshore injury attorney, like one of the ones at Kirkendall Dwyer LLP, is needed. The fault should actually lie with the owners of the boat and the fishing company. Their insurance should cover the compensation for loss, pain and suffering.
Unfortunately, insurance companies have to watch out for their bottom line. They will try to pay out as little as possible. That’s why it’s important to consult with an offshore injury attorney. You need to know your rights if you or someone you love has been hurt or killed in a boating accident.
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