In 2010, following the catastrophic Deep Horizon oil spill, BP was temporarily banned from drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Now, 4 years later, the ban has been lifted, and BP has won its first contract, allowing the company to begin drilling off the coast of Louisiana. New oil rigs in the Gulf mean more employment for maritime workers in Texas. They also mean more workers may need to consult with a Texas City oil rig injury attorney.
BP has struck a deal with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to drop a pending lawsuit in exchange for the EPA allowing BP to begin bidding on new federal contracts again. BP has made moves to ensure that we won’t see a repeat of the 200-million-gallon spill from 4 years ago. However, this still means that workers considering taking on employment with BP should consider all of the potential consequences of working on any oil rig but especially one owned by a company with an accident-prone past.
If you’re concerned about what might happen in the event of an accident, you shouldn’t hesitate to talk to a Texas City oil rig injury attorney, like one of the attorneys at Kirkendall Dwyer LLP, as soon as possible, as they are well-versed in maritime law and worker’s compensation.
If you’ve been in an accident on an oil rig, or you’re just curious about what that kind of scenario will look like if you’re ever unfortunate enough to be in one, you can talk to a Texas City oil rig attorney about equipment maintenance, safety procedures, proper training implementation, and other factors that your employer is responsible for. You can also talk to them about the right course of action for you and your family, should you be injured or killed in an accident.
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