Hopefully, you’ll never have to get into a life boat or find yourself in a situation where you need to leave the safety of the main vessel. However, there are times where an issue arises and there really is nothing else you can do. When climbing into the lifeboat and having it lowered to sea doesn’t mean you should find yourself in greater danger, but with recent corrosion issues with the Thomson Majesty, you need to know your rights. Recently, the Malta Maritime Safety Investigation Unit released a safety alert due to failing wires that hold up the lifeboat when it is being lowered into the water. Due to corrosion and other maintenance issues, the wire is likely to snap and give way, resulting in either one end of the lifeboat dropping towards the water or the entire boat dropping down dozens of feet to the water below. This greatly increases your chance of injury, as your body either comes in contact with the water, the life boat or the vessel you are leaving. There are many different issues that might arise, but you need to utilize the assistance of a maritime injury lawyer, should you find yourself in such a situation.
It is important for you to know your rights and to protect yourself. If you are even involved in an accident in which you are injured at sea or on the water due to neglect or maintenance issues from the lifeboats, you need to seek out the professional assistance of a maritime injury lawyer. You are going to hear a lot from other injury lawyers who say they can protect you the most and offer the best services, but the fact of the matter is you need to have the help from a lawyer who has experience with the given issue and the kind of law, as maritime law is unique. The maritime lawyer is going to assist you through every instance and aspect of the situation, so you always know you are protected.
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