Two fisherman in Bridlington recently made a short film about wearing life jackets to encourage others to increase their safety when at sea. The film is two minutes long and is available on the social network site YouTube with the title “Life Jacket: a Fisherman’s Friend.”
The two men decided to make a film after a conclusion from a panel of experts found that 26 fishermen may still be here today if they were wearing a life jacket. A fishing boat back in 2007 was involved in an incident while at sea. The statistic released alarmed the Fishing Industry Safety Group that they took the initiative to being more attention to safety. Safety when on a boat at sea is important and a maritime lawyer can provide legal advice to fisherman involved in any accidents when on a boat.
The group approached two fishermen with the idea of making a short film about life jacket Safety. This led the pair to begin work on the film with help from members of the Fishing Industry Safety Group. A life jacket is necessary when going out to sea. Many fisherman have stated they will not go our to sea if one is not available. The biggest reason is that people often gasp and forget how to stay afloat after they hit the water. Fisherman can have severe difficulties if a life jacket is not being worn.
Anyone who is a fisherman should watch “Life Jacket: a Fisherman’s Friend” to learn about the need of a life jacket. The goal is to have fisherman consider buying and using a life jacket when they set out for a daily sea voyage. A life jacket is easy to wear by any adult. They are not heavy and do not prevent the user from performing any activities when on a boat.
Fisherman with questions about the lack of a life jacket on a boat should contact a maritime lawyer that can provide anyone with much-needed advice.
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